Saturday, 30 August 2008

Free thinker slogans

* Darwin loves you

* Blasphemy is a victimless crime.

* Abstinence Makes the Church Grow Fondlers

* Honk If Your Religious Beliefs Make You An Asshole

* Don’t pray in my school, and I won’t think in your church.

* Intelligent Design Makes My Monkey Cry

* Thank God I'm an Atheist.

* Too Stupid to Understand Science? Try Religion.

* There's A REASON Why Atheists Don't Fly Planes Into Buildings

* If you think god is your co-pilot, try letting him land the plane.

* "Worship Me or I Will Torture You Forever. Have a Nice Day."­ God.

* If Jesus is inside me, I hope he likes fajitas ’cause that’s what he’s getting!

* Gods Don't Kill People. People Who Believe in God Kill People.

* If There is No God, Then What Makes the Next Kleenex Pop Up?

* He's Dead. It's Been 2,000 years. He's Not Coming Back. Get OVER It Already!

* All religion is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry - Edgar Allen Poe.

* Viva La EvoluciĆ³n!

* Praying is begging

* Actually, If You Look It Up, The Winter Solstice Is The Reason For The Season

* I Wouldn't Trust Your God Even If He Did Exist

* Cheeses Is Lard. Argue With THAT If You Can.

* Cheeses Dried Foyer Shins. Praise the Lard.

* The difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate controlled.

* People Who Don't Want Their Beliefs Laughed at Shouldn't Have Such Funny Beliefs

* Jesus is Coming? Don't Swallow That.

* Threatening Children With Hell Is FUN!


* Jesus Told Me Republicans SUCK

* God + Whacky Tobacky = Platypus

* God Doesn't Exist. So, I Guess That Means No One Loves You.

* When the Rapture Comes, We'll Get Our Country Back!

* Q. How Do We Know the Holy Ghost Was Catholic? A. He Used the Rhythm Method Instead of a Condom.

* You Say "Heretic" Like It Was a BAD Thing

* And God said unto His followers, ‘Get on your knees and prey.’

* Creationism: Holy Shit!

* I Love Christians. They Taste Like Chicken.

* How many prophets does does it take to make a profit?

* Science: It Works, Bitches.

* "Intelligent Design" Helping Stupid People Feel Smart Since 1987

* I Found God Between The Sheets

* I Gave Up Superstitious Mumbo Jumbo For Lent

* My Flying Monkey Can Beat Up Your Guardian Angel

* Every Time You Play With Yourself, God Kills a Kitten

* If God Wanted People to Believe in Him, Then Why Did He Invent Logic?

* Praying Is Politically Correct Schizophrenia

* ALL Americans Are African Americans

* I Forget - Which Day Did God Make All The Fossils?

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